Soft lump under right collarbone

Tumor Under Clavicle
Soft lump under right collarbone
I have had a swollen sterno clavicular joint (where the collarbone meets the sternum) on the right side for two months now. I have no other symptoms except for painHello. I was very healthy female until this occurred and now I'm not sure of anything. Few weeks ago I had one very difficult inflammation of tonsils and I drank
Hard Lump Right Under Clavicle Center of.
Lump in Clavicle Area
What could cause lump above collarbone? ·.
This is a discussion on MedHelp about hard lump in neck under skin. Community members of MedHelp provide help, support, guidance and discussion around the topic of
I consider my self pretty healthy but I got a bit freaked out last night after What's this itchy spot under my left armpit? It's just too hard to give advise
Men's Health forum article I have a bump on my right hand it had alot of pain espeasially as I would use my hand and bend the fingers its close to my wrist, I did

Knot below Collar Bone What is the Soft and hard lump in my.
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on what this might be. The other day I was taking a shower and noticed a hard lump directly