Whats the cheat code to get regice in pokemon platinum

What Is The Action Replay Code For Mew In. What Is The Action Replay Code For Mew In.
Whats the cheat code to get regice in pokemon platinum
Pokemon Platinum Version - Video Game.What Is The Action Replay Code For Mew In.
Whats the cheat code to get regice in pokemon platinum
Pokemon Platinum Achievements, Glitches,. What Is The Action Replay Code For Mew In.You have to have the Movie Regigias, the event was in March, if you have an actoin replay, or get one, you can use a code that will give him to you. but if you don't
Guaranteed 100% official Pokemon Platinum for DS cheats, codes, unlockables, FAQs, guides, and easter eggs.
Pokémon Platinum Version Cheats (DS.
Pokemon Platinum Version - Video Game.

Answer (1 of 51): HOLD SELECT to encounter the following Pokemon Bulbasaur 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 00000001 b2101d40 00000000 c0000000 0000000b d7000000 000233ec
Pokémon Platinum Version Cheats (DS.
There are literally dozens of Pokémon Platinum Action Replay codes. These codes only work if you have the action play on your DS. In order to get the maximum amount
Pokemon Platinum Achievements, Glitches,.
I know you need the event Regigigas to get the 3 Regis in Platinum, but what is exactly special about Regigigas that gets you the other Regis?
What Is The Action Replay Code For Mew In.
Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum Questions including "Is there an Action Replay code for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl that makes the first in your party have max stats
The action replay codes for mew on Pokemon Platinum are: 94000130 fffb0000 D5000000 00000097 B2101d40 00000000 C0000000 0000000b D7000000 000233ec Dc000000 00000006
Pokémon Platinum Version Cheats - a collection of cheat codes, unlocks, passwords, commands, tricks, tips, lists (DS version)